Plant a Row – Grow a Row Program

Gardeners, did you know that extra produce from your gardens can be donated to a food bank or soup kitchen? Almost anything grown at home can be donated–from tomatoes, rhubarb, strawberries, to apples. Some charities even make preserves from donations, so...

Twine Recycling Pilot Project

ATTENTION FARMERS:  To increase agricultural plastic recycling on PEI, Cleanfarms and IWMC are collaborating on a pilot project o collect baler twine.  The pilot project will allow us to learn more about twine recycling and hopefully lead to a permanent program. To...


Collection calendars for seasonal properties are posted on our Resources page and can be printed as required.   Copies of our most recent newsletter (with six-month calendars) are available at all IWMC facilities and at Access PEI sites.


The Island Regulatory and Appeals Commission has approved the following increased Waste Watch rates/fees: Effective January 1, 2021 Household Annual Fee will be $213 Cottage Annual Fee will be $115 Cottage Extended Fee will be $140 Effective April 1, 2021 Residential...