What is Recyclable on PEI?

On PEI, recyclables are collected once a month. Homeowners must use transparent, plastic blue bags for loose recyclables.  Bags must be securely tied and be within 50 lbs.  Bulky recyclables and corrugated cardboard can be placed at curb beside the blue bags.  There...
How Do I Prepare for Spring and Fall Cleanup?

How Do I Prepare for Spring and Fall Cleanup?

Twice a year, a residential cleanup service is provided which allows householders to dispose of items not collected during regular weekly collection. Cleanup materials must be sorted into compost and waste. See our PDF guide for more information about our Residential...
Is Sorting Mandatory?

Is Sorting Mandatory?

Yes, sorting is mandatory. Drivers will only accept material that has been properly sorted. Refer to our Interactive Sorting Guide if you have questions about what goes where.
How Do I Dispose of Boat Shrink Wrap?

How Do I Dispose of Boat Shrink Wrap?

Boat Shrink Wrap will be accepted FREE OF CHARGE at Waste Watch Drop-Off Centres. Please make sure it is relatively clean and dry before dropping off. We accept wrap in any color but we will not accept wrap with significant contamination. Please see our PDF on shrink...

What Do I Do If My Cart Is Full?

At certain times of the year some households generate more material than the carts will hold. This can happen when families have celebrations or company staying with them, or during the growing season when keeping up with weeds in the garden. Here are your options for...
Where Do I Place My Cart and Blue Bags?

Where Do I Place My Cart and Blue Bags?

Carts and blue bags need to be placed within 6 ft (1.8 m) of the curb in such a manner as to not interfere with pedestrian or automotive traffic. In order to accommodate snow clearing operations after a heavy snow fall, carts can be placed within 18 ft (5.5 m) of the...