
iwmc island waste collection - resources and learning materials for schools and landlords

Printed Material 

Educational Guides

Children can learn about the importance of recycling and composting while singing along and colouring. Excellent for children from pre-kindergarten to Grade 2.
These flashcards were designed for parents and teachers to help children understand Waste Watch sorting. Small dots on the lower right-hand corner can be used as a guide for adults.

This little story about how an apple becomes compost can be viewed online, or printed off and read aloud to young children (opens as a PowerPoint file).

Here are some coloring pages for younger children to enjoy while learning about Waste Watch.
Sorting is easy! This one-page sorting guide is designed to help children learn about the “4 streams” of Waste Watch.
When it comes to waste management, the best way to protect the environment is not to produce waste in the first place. Here’s a lesson plan for teachers to help students analyze and reduce the waste generated in their packed lunches. This is an ideal exercise for Earth Day or Environment Week and contains messages that can be adopted all year long.
Here are some sample PA annoucements for use in schools. Use them during Waste Reduction Week, Environment Week, on Earth Day, or better yet, throughout the year to help remind students about doing their part to help the environment.

Learning to sort for Waste Watch can be fun with this interactive sorting game. The game is suitable for elementary grades, youth groups, special needs clients, or as a fun reminder for adults and community organizations. Click on the header to understand how this activity works. The Interactive Sorting Game can be presented by a representative from IWMC, or borrowed by organizations to work into lesson plans or for special ‘green’ events. Graphic ‘stick-ons’ are provided and customized for specific groups. Contact for additional information.

Junior High Waste Watch Video
This humorous but educational video was written and co-produced by Mme Deveau’s Grade 7 class at East Wiltshire School. It focuses on where what goes and encourages today’s youth to engage in proper waste management behaviours. We apologize for the audio on this video which was caused by technical difficulties. Length: 8 minutes. Schools are welcome to submit videos that can be used for educational purposes. IWMC staff are available to assist.

Tours and Presentations

Tours of IWMC facilities may be arranged by e-mailing or calling Customer Service, toll-free, at 1-888-280-8111. IWMC facilities available for touring include the EAST PRINCE WASTE MANAGEMENT FACILITY in Wellington Centre and WASTE WATCH DROP-OFF CENTERS located in Brockton, New London, Dingwell Mills, Charlottetown, and Murray River. Tours at facilities not managed by IWMC may also be arranged by calling them directly.

  • PEI ENERGY SYSTEMS in Charlottetown (629-3960)
  • CENTRAL COMPOST FACILITY in Brookfield (964-2121)
  • PEI’s RECYCLING FACILITY in Charlottetown (1-800-810-0155)

Island Waste Management Corporation offers Waste Watch presentations to groups of any age. To have an IWMC representative visit your group, contact A presentation to meet your needs can usually be arranged within a few weeks.

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Collection Calendar

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Collection Days

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Sorting Guide

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Waste Watch FAQ