Sorting Tips

Home Exercise Electronics
In case you missed it: PEI's recycling program has expanded to include home exercise equipment and electronics used for sports and physical fitness. For more information, check out the official announcement from June 2024! Treadmills Ellipticals Rowing & step...

Medical Sharps
Did you know medical sharps and needles should NEVER be placed in Waste Watch Carts or Blue Bags? FREE sharps containers are available at participating pharmacies for needles, syringes, lancets and EpiPens. When your sharps container is full, simply return it to the...

White Plastic Bags
Did you know coloured plastic bags are NOT accepted in waste carts? Help keep our staff safe by minimizing contact with potential hazards. Transparent bags also let drivers see if black cart waste is properly sorted.

Rotisserie Chicken Containers
Chicken bones go in your Green Cart. If the container has a recycle symbol with a #1-5, it goes in Blue Bag #2. No symbol? Then it's black cart waste.

Aluminum Foil
Did you know, Aluminum Foil is RECYCLABLE? If it's clean, place it in Blue Bag # 2 with your containers. If it's dirty, it goes in the black cart. If you're ever curious about how to dispose of an item, the Recycle Coach App can help you out. Just type the item or...

Pizza Boxes
Even with grease, pizza boxes are RECYCLABLE! Remove food and liners, flatten/bundle with corrugated cardboard, place under blue bags.

Paper gift wrap and tissue paper belong in COMPOST (do not worry about tape). Cellophane, plastic & foil wrap are WASTE. Bows, ribbons, string are also WASTE. Greeting cards are compost (cards with foil or plastic decorations are waste). Light strings go into...

Face Masks & Wipes
Face masks & wipes belong in WASTE (even if the package indicates they are 'flushable')!
Vape Pens and E-Cigarettes
Did you know that an electronic cigarette consists of an atomizer, a power source such as a battery, and a container such as a cartridge or tank. Some of these components are harmful to the environment if not disposed of properly. They are considered Household...

Corrugated Cardboard Boxes from Meal & Other Delivery Programs
Corrugated cardboard boxes must not have layers of tinfoil, plastic, Styrofoam, etc. to be recycled. If your cardboard has one of these components that cannot be removed, please treat the box as WASTE. If the layer can be removed, the corrugated cardboard box must be...
Collection Interruptions
Sorting Tips